A Step Forward

CVFC's Annual 5K at Plattsburgh City Beach

Since 1982, Champlain Valley Family Center has been providing substance use prevention and treatment services throughout Clinton County. CVFC is a community-based, non-profit agency, that provides substance use and mental health treatment services for residents of Clinton County. CVFC also provides education, prevention and specialized youth programs to prevent and/or minimize the damage caused by alcoholism and substance abuse. The 5K FWD for Recovery event supports our Prevention programs.

Highlights from previous races

More photos on Facebook!

CVFC Summer Programming

5K Forward For Recovery sponsorships provide funding for CVFC's Summer Youth Programming at various North Country School Districts. The program pairs evidence-based practices and adventure-based learning for a full week of skill building during the summer and weekly group sessions during the school year to foster a healthy school transition, and reduce risk for substance use.

Donations to support our Prevention programming may be made online via PayPal.

Please select "Prevention" in the drop down menu.

Previous Races:

See 2019 Highlight Photos

We specialize in...

Substance Use Treatment

School-Based Prevention

Community-Based Prevention

Supportive Housing

Intensive Family Support Program

Tobacco-Free Clinton, Franklin & Essex

Move a step forward