A Step Forward



Champlain Valley Family Center provides comprehensive substance use prevention services to Clinton County youth and families. Prevention staff from CVFC delivers Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) approved evidenced based curriculums to students in grades 6-12 to schools in Clinton County.  The curricula are designed to educate and build skills around the following key areas:  self-esteem, bullying, alcohol and substances, stress management, making healthy decisions, coping with anger, assertiveness, resisting peer pressure and resolving conflicts. Prevention Counselors work closely with school personnel to assure the district’s needs are being met.


Prevention staff from CVFC also provides individual sessions to students who are referred for a variety of reasons to Include: interpersonal relations, family problems, alcohol use, substance use, behavior problems, truancy or a crisis. The frequency of sessions is dependent on the student’s needs.


Environmental strategies focus on community-wide, proactive approaches that promote pro-social healthy behaviors.  In Clinton County, CVFC has implemented “Talk 2 Prevent, Text 2 Prevent.”  We also facilitate the bi-annual Sticker Shock campaign “Parents Who Host Lose The Most.”  This initiative targets adults to raise awareness of the legal consequences of providing alcohol to those who are under 21 years of age.


Environmental strategies focus on community-wide, proactive approaches that promote pro-social healthy behaviors. Examples of current strategies that CVFC is implementing in Clinton County include:  Talk 2 Prevent, Text to Prevent.  CVFC also facilitates bi-annual Sticker Shock Campaigns “Parents Who Host Lose the Most”, focused educating adults regarding the laws related to hosting underage drinking.

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

Triple P is a flexible program that allows parents to decide how much positive parenting help they need and how they get it. CVFC is currently offering two Levels of Triple P: parenting seminars, groups and individual support for parents in Clinton County.

Triple P helps you:

  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage misbehavior so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  • Encourage behavior you like
  • Take care of yourself as a parent
  • Feel confident you’re doing the right thing

The Level 2 seminar series includes presentations on The Power of Positive Parenting, Raising Confident, Competent Children and Raising Resilient Children. Parents may attend any or all sessions. Each presentation is about an hour with an additional 30 minutes for questions.  

The Power of Positive Parenting seminar introduces parents to the five principles of positive parenting and the strategies to help them prevent problem behavior and ways to manage misbehavior when it happens.

Raising Confident, Competent Children focuses on six building blocks for developing important life skills with many strategies that parents can implement to help their children learn these skills.

Raising Resilient Children involves six building blocks for helping children deal with their emotions.  The accompanying strategies give parents ways to help their children cope with their feelings and increase their overall wellbeing.

Level 3 groups: workshops based on common parenting challenges. These are:  managing fighting and aggression, dealing with disobedience, hassle free shopping with children and developing good bedtime routines.  Each group session is two hours long and parents may attend any or all of these workshops.

Level 3 individual sessions:  Parents who need extra support may choose to work one on one with a Triple P practitioner to develop their own parenting plan using Triple P strategies.  The parent meets with the practitioner for 4-5 sessions to create, implement and monitor the plan.

If you have questions, or are interested in participating in this program please contact Lisa Caito at (518) 561-8480 or via email.

Prevention Team

Champlain Valley Family Center counselors provide individual counseling and group prevention instruction in schools in Clinton County and work under the supervision of our Prevention Services Director.

Lisa Sears-Bowlen, CASAC Advanced

Prevention Services Director
Megan Perez, MS Ed. CAS - Tobacco Free CFE
Tiffany Titus, BA, CASAC-T
Shelby Klemann, BA

We specialize in...

Substance Use Treatment

School-Based Prevention

Community-Based Prevention

Supportive Housing

Intensive Family Support Program

Tobacco-Free Clinton, Franklin & Essex

Move a step forward